Last week, we asked you to take a survey to answer questions about Chad Shoop and John Ross’ bonus options trades.
Thanks to each of you who took the time to answer our questions!
You’re helping us shape Winning Investor Daily.
We got over 700 responses.
Here’s some of what we learned:
- About two-thirds of you consider yourselves intermediate or advanced traders, while a third of you have never traded.
- More than two-thirds of you are interested in trading options — but almost half of you told us you need lots of guidance.
- Nearly 90% of you haven’t yet made any of Chad or John’s free bonus options trades.
And we asked you what comments you had about the free options trades. (Remember: These are part of your Winning Investor Daily subscription! Each Friday, make sure to check your email for John or Chad’s trade idea!)
To read the bonus options report we put together, click here or click on the image below!
Your comments included:We passed on your responses to John, Chad and the rest of the Winning Investor Daily team.
One thing was clear: You want more guidance from our experts before you jump into options.
So, we put together a special report: How to Profit From Options.
And we’re sharing it with all of our Winning Investor Daily readers today!
It breaks down:
- What an options contract is.
- Types of options.
- Expiration dates.
- Strike prices.
- Premiums.
- The advantages of options trading.
- How to place an order.
And more.
You can click here to access the report now.
If you have questions or need clarification about the report, send an email to
Our team is happy to answer your questions in Winning Investor Daily.
Once you’re ready to make your first options trade, you can follow this video John Ross recorded to walk you through it.
Catch it below — or anytime on or YouTube channel:
If you like John’s approach, I urge you to check out his emergency summit.
You’ll find out about his Apex Profit strategy — the one that gave readers an opportunity to make four triple-digit gains back to back in March, while markets fell over 30%.
Finally, we have more great content to share with you.
3 More YouTube Videos!
John Ross’ new 11-minute Reading Tea Leaves video, “Enbridge Inc. (NYSE: ENB) — Energy Stock to Buy Now.”
Real Wealth Strategist Editor Matt Badiali’s four-minute Marijuana Market Update, “Don’t Buy Aurora: Buy These Pot Stocks Instead.”
And Alpha Investor Report Editor Charles Mizrahi’s 10-minute video, “2 Ways to Play the Market Recovery.”
On Monday, Matt Badiali will tell you all about precious metals prices.
Stay tuned!
Good investing,
Senior Managing Editor, Winning Investor Daily
from Timor Invest
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