суббота, 21 декабря 2019 г.

1 Massive Market Opportunity to Round out 2019

All year, the Bold Profits team found the best ways for you to take advantage of some of the most exciting mega trends in the market.

Often, our experts will recommend an exchange-traded fund, or ETF, so you can buy into many stocks from one sector all at once.

And there’s one that stood above the rest in 2019.

So we want to give you the opportunity to add this ETF to your portfolio. It’s still a buy on Paul Mampilly’s list going into 2020.

We’re talking about the VanEck Vectors Semiconductor ETF (Nasdaq: SMH).

And as we enter the new industrial revolution, Paul predicts it’s the best way — other than owning single stocks — of getting into this big lollapalooza.

If you haven’t already bought into this ETF, now’s the time to get in.

The next step: Be sure you’re poised to profit in 2020. If you haven’t seen Paul’s prediction, check it out here.

Keep reading for your greatest hits this week and see the exciting opportunities the Bold Profits team dished out this week.

The Best of Bold Profits

Our team of experts at Bold Profits — Paul Mampilly, Amber Lancaster, Nick Tate and Ian Dyer — are committed to bringing you the best analysis and recommendations every day. Here’s this week’s best of the best:


Your Bold Profits Team

from Timor Invest https://ift.tt/2PJXHSW

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